~Ashinoko Area Free Circulation Bus~
ザ・プリンス 箱根芦ノ湖から龍宮殿、箱根園を経由し元箱根へ。
Please take advantage of the Free Loop-line Bus service that connects the area around the hotel with Hakone Shrine and Moto-Hakone, where the sightseeing boat ride is located.
Ashinoko Area Loop-line Bus (Free) Timetable
PDF data of the timetable will open.
バス停留所のご案内 Bus stop
「ザ・プリンス 箱根芦ノ湖」別館玄関前
「絶景日帰り温泉 龍宮殿本館」 玄関前
「元箱根」伊豆箱根バス ターミナル内
- In front of the entrance of the annex of "The Prince Hakone Ashinoko"
- "Hakone-en" bus rotary
- In front of the entrance of "Ryuguden"
- In the Izu Hakone Bus Terminal at "Moto-Hakone”
※From The Prince Hakone Ashinoko to Moto-Hakone via Ryu Palace and Hakone-en. This is a free circulating bus that connects the hotel to Moto Hakone, where Hakone Shrine and a sightseeing boat ride are located.
※Buses will run from 4:00 P.M. from January 1 to 3, and will not run from 11:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.
※Buses bound for Moto-Hakone do not stop at Hakone-en.
※Buses bound for The Prince Hakone-Ashinoko is for alighting passengers only at Hakone-en. If there are no passengers who wish to get off, the bus will pass by.
※Please note that the bus may not be able to run on time due to road conditions.
※Because it is a shared-ride bus, if the bus is full, please use the next bus.
※No reservations are required. The bus will depart as soon as it is on time.
芦ノ湖エリア循環バス 元箱根のりば案内
Ashinoko Area Loop-line Bus (Free) Moto-Hakone Bus Stop Information